Common way to send an email to many people can be done by rote on target email on “To” column, then separated with dot and coma symbol (;). The other way, you can make a group contained some email addresses, then send email into the group. By this way, all email address aimed would be seen by receiver. If you used Thunderbird and you want to hide all target email addresses in email header, here are the ways:
1. You need to add new contact. Click on Tools > Address Book menu. Then select to option New Contact. In First column, fill in Undisclosed, and in column Last, fill in Recipient. Then, fill in email address on Email column, then click on OK button.
2. How to use it, you can select File > New Message menu (to write on new email). Select on View > Contact Sidebar menu. Then select option Undisclosed Recipient then put on “To” column. Then select other receivers’ email addresses, and fill in into “Bcc” column. Last, you can write or edit email content and send it through Send button.
If above arrangement has done well, email send would be received by target address, and the receiver would see on “To” column titled Undisclosed Recepient. By that way, other receivers’ addresses couldn’t be seen by people who also received the email.
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