
Apple iPhone 4S

    Apple didn’t release iPhone 5. iPhone just produce iPhone 4S. the name is suitable since iPhone 4S has similar physical shape with iPhone 4. But, certainly there are some maintenance done by Apple in iPhone 4S. example, iPhone 4S processor recently uses Apple A5. This dual core processor has been used in iPad 2. Its camera has 8MP resolution and also able to record Full-HD 1080p video.
Powerful machine
    iPhone 4S received improvement in performance. Using Apple A5 processor which previously used by iPad 2, iPhone 4S is claimed to have twice performance and seven times graphic performance compared than its previous version. This new machine surely opened new chance for developers to create more complex application. Chip A5 usage is also claimed to make battery last longer.
iOS 5
    The release of iPhone 4S also signed the appearance of iOS 5, the latest operating system which offered many improvement. Most of those facilities are available in other platform, but at least made iPhone function more complete. Example: Android typical Notification Center which collected all notification and alert in one window. It’s not similar as iOS 4 which is in popup form. The other revolutionary application is iMessage which has similar function as Blackberry Messenger, which is communication media among iOS user. However, it has to be noted if iOS 5 is not just for iPhone 4S, but also iPhone 4 and iPad.
Able to do Full-HD
    In addition of improvement in resolution, this camera can also capture video with full-HD resolution. The mainstay video recording facility is still on huge opening, so it’s claimed to be able to capture picture sharp in minimum light condition. iPhone4S user can also edit the video just by doing click and drag through iMovie standard application.
    Once again, it’s not new facility since Amazon and Microsoft has done it first. However, iCloud promises easiness to store music, photo, document, and application in cloud a.k.a internet. What made iCloud special is all files stored can be accessed by other Apple device such as iPad and MacBook. Apple provides 5GB for free to all iPhone users.
iPhonegraphy Gift
    Although it seems weird, one reason why people buy iPhone is because they are interested in its camera. The fact is, iOS platform has advanced picture editor application such as instagram which is able to make a photo become amazing. In iPhone 4S, Apple gives bonus to photography lover to use iPhone (iPhonegraphy) with 8MP resolution camera. Not just improved resolution, the lens ability has also been fixed. With f/2,4 opening, the cons of iPhone 4 in minimum light condition would be overcome. This camera also has face detection facility, new sensor and reducing blur effect caused by movement just like pocket camera.
    Siri is private assistant application with voice command basis. It sounds like old thing, but Siri is different since it’s able to understand context. So, you can speak to Siri just like to real person. For example, you can say, “l’m in the mood for Italian food” and Siri will find you the closest Italian restaurant location from your location.
    Siri is integrated with iPhone standard application such as Messages, weather, browser, calendar, maps and reminder. Siri is also able to use GPS facility inside iPhone 4S to do its task. So you can say “remind me to phone my mom when I arrive at home”, and Siri will note the reminder when it detected you (or actually your GPS and iPhone 4S) has arrived at home. It can be said that Siri is a killer application in iPhone 4S since it’s not provided in other devices.


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