If you planned to buy BlackBerry, here are the steps to make sure BlackBerry you would be bought is a new one, or if you intended to buy the second one, make sure its BlackBerry PIN isn’t Suspended, because, if your BlackBerry is suspended, you wouldn’t able to use BIS (Blackberry Internet Service). The first thing to do is checking PIN and IMEI number:
1. Check on PIN and Imei number in unit (Option-status) / Alt-Cap-H.
2. Check PIN and Imei number in battery case.
3. Check on PIN and Imei number in the package. Make sure three of them are the same and original one (not just sticking on it). Check also on battery case, if it’s new, in tin plate, there wouldn’t be any spot / scratch (since many of them exchanged by the second one).
Next thing to do is entering the site http://xxx.blackberry.com (xxx can be exchanged by operator name you used) to check your BlackBerry account. Then select Create New Account, enter PIN and Imei, then Next, there would be a text:
1. Your device has not yet been registered with the network. It means that your BlackBerry are suspended since its PIN and Imeis are still new.
2. The Blackberry is registered with another provider / carrier. There are two possibilities, they are: - Pin and imei are new, but it used to from foreign provider.
– Pin and imei are not new. It possibily once used by foreign provider. Steps should be done are selecting Option
– STATUS then type BUYR. If it’s really new, so Voice and Data Usage should be 0, and if its content has been Exceeded it means your BlackBerry is second stuff. But if the content is just 2.5 kb (still a little) it could be used for unlock needs. However, you should try to find 0 one. The second condition is risked to be suspended, so you have to ask Pin Suspended warranty (it means, if it’s suspended, you can ask for Pin exchange)
3. Your Account is already registered. There are two possibilities:
- The stuff is second and it have been used by your provider (check on BUYR to make it sure).
– New stuff (BUYR=0) but the Pin is already cloned and registered to your provider. The third option has risk for suspended. So you have to ask for Pin Suspend warranty (it means, if it’s suspended, you can ask for Pin exchange).
4. Your Account is Suspended. It means that your BlackBerry is suspended, so you cannot use BIS (Blackberry Internet Service), but it still can be used to make a call, sms, and other multimedia feature. It would be better for you not to buy the suspend condition since these reasons:
- PIN and IMEI condition has been cloned to other place.
– Stolen stuff.
– Other law problem. Suggestion:
- store your pin and imei (store your box package).
– don’t lend your BlackBerry too often
– don’t share your BlackBerry pin to person whose identity isn’t clear or post it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
– Buy in official operator.
– Buy in recommended shop.
– Buy in shop which provided Internet to check above things.
– ask for PIN warranty.
– Find seller who can activate BlackBerry BIS (so you just receive the complete package and just have to use it directly)
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