ACER ASPIRE 4830TG-2332G50Mn appears with slim design with 2.1 kg weight. ACER ASPIRE 4830TG-2332G50Mn can be grouped as comfortable to be brought in traveling. This notebook included promising specification to do daily computation, even with GeForce GT 540M graphic chip, it can be seen the notebook availability to run heavy game program. For this graphic chip, Acer adopted nVidia Optimus technology which made automatic graphic chip exchange possible between onboard (intel HD) and dedicated (GeForce). The purpose is to make battery and graphic performance combination can support each other. Meanwhile, if you want to get fast performance, you just have to use dedicated VGA.
Some attractive point is also offered by this 14 inches screen notebook, some of them are PowerSmart feature which keep battery capacity to stay in rate 80% to reload more than 100%. So, at least the battery can be normally survive for four years. You can also easily know about the battery capacity fast just by pressing battery status button. However, although it has various attractive feature, ACER ASPIRE 4830TG-2332G50Mn has impression of vulnerable body and a bit less competitive.
Procesor : Intel Core i3-2330M 2.2 GHz
Memory : 2 GB
VGA : GeForce GT 540M
HDD : 500 GB
Screen :14”.
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