Lenovo also did diversification, started from entry level model to high end sing fastest processor. LENOVO IDEAPAD V470c (59-309134) which uses core i3-2330M can be said as affordable notebook with quite good facility.
First time you saw it, you’d probably think that this notebook is too serious with thick metal looks and square design. It seems like, Lenovo want to focus V470c series as notebook to work, so it avoided aesthetic impression. But, behind all of those, there are various facilities which are rare provided by competitors.
Its material itself probably seems too rigid, although the fact proved that it’s so strong. Shading in its body surface made specifically so it won’t be easily get dirt by finger. Its facilities are Esata Combo, fingerprint, reader and Onekey Rescue button. Application support provided also help you to optimize the feature.
Combination between performance and facility in IdeaPad V470c successfully brought it into most prominent notebook line. Moreover, if the design far flexible and windows operating system has been planted inside. It can be said that this notebook is perfect!
Procesor : Intel Core i3-2330M 2.2 GHz
Memory :2GB
VGA :Intel HD 3000
HDD :500 GB
Screen :14”
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